Game scenario (#625/66965) "ENCOUNTERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS" (
Pass to a level:  #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29
Bonuses for all levels

Bonus #1 "FTF DROP" for all
Limit time of availability (absolute time): from 11/22/2019 9:20:00 PM to 11/22/2019 9:30:00 PM


Hint: fontanas

Bonus #2 "FTF DROP" for all
Limit time of availability (absolute time): from 11/22/2019 8:40:00 PM to 11/22/2019 8:50:00 PM


Hint: pas orgus (gyvai)

Bonus #3 "FTF DROP" for all
Limit time of availability (absolute time): from 11/22/2019 8:50:00 PM to 11/22/2019 9:00:00 PM


Kodą įvesti. Be tarpų ir lietuviškų raidžių.

Hint: apsaugos namukas

2-12 lvl. uždarys 10 proc. kodų, reikia suvesti: NETAIPNE2


Bonus #4 "FTF DROP" for all
Limit time of availability (absolute time): from 11/22/2019 9:05:00 PM to 11/22/2019 9:15:00 PM


Hint: krepšinis
Level #1 "Intro"
Autopass: in 4 hours

Task for all
Sveiki! Organizatoriai 20:00 jūsų lauks čia (54.762345, 24.836362):

Parkuojamės atsakingai!

Važiuoti į kitą vietą žaidimo metu nereikės, visas veiksmas vyks stovyklos teritorijoje.
Judėdami į startą, galite pervesti startinį mokestį per Revolut +370 621 31457 nurodydami komandos pavadinimą; startinį galima duoti ir grynais.

Finiše bus galimybė pasikepti maisto. Norintys gali atsivežti sasiskų ar kt.

Pagrindinė info:
- Kodai prasideda ENBG + lygio numeris, pvz.:ENBG3VILNIUS arba ENBG5KAUNAS;
- Kodai vedami tik to paties realaus lygio, kuriame dabar esate. Jeigu esate 7 lygyje, jums tinka tik kodai, prasidedantys ENBG7, pvz.: ENBG7BLAGADARIU;
- Lygio numeris bus matomas lygio pavadinime. Pvz.: Realus lygis - 1;
- !Kodai vedami be prefiksų!;
- Kodai vedami betarpuirlietuviskuraidziu;
- Aukštesnio lygio kodus galite fotografuoti, užsirašyti arba kitaip išsaugoti, kadangi jų prireiks sekančiuose lygiuose (su sąlyga, kad iki tų lygių išgyvensite);
- Visi kodai rašyti juodu markeriu; be išimčių;
- Visi kodai rašyti patalpose (kodų nerasite balkonuose, šuliniuose, ant medžių ar kt.). Ši taisyklė netaikoma bonusams (dropui).

- Teritorijoje netriukšmaujame bei stengiamės šviesti tik objektuose arba po kojomis.
Teritorijos savininkai yra informuoti, bet aplinkiniai gyventojai nebūtinai yra draugiški.
Kilus konfliktui su agresyviaisiais čiabuviais nukreipkite juos pas orgus.
- !TERITORIJOJE NEŠIUKŠLINAME! Rytoj iš ryto čia bus renginys, ir jei paliksim šiukšlių- orgai bus morališkai sužlugdyti teritorijos savininkų ir niekas kitą kartą mūsų čia neįsileis.

Žaidimo eiga:
- Renkame kodus pažymėtoje teritorijoje (realus lygis);
- Uždarę lygį, pamatysite techninį lygį. Jo metu sistemoje pamatysite kodą, kurį turėsite nusiųsti orgams per Viber/ Telegram/ Fb (tinka ir screenshotas). Nepamirškite nurodyti ir komandos pavadinimo. Iš orgų gausite lygio uždarymo kodą;
- Komanda (-os), kuri(-os) paskutinė(s) surenka kodus realiame lygyje, iškrenta iš žaidimo - negali uždaryti techninio lygio orgų išduoto kodo pagalba. Jeigu techniniame lygyje iš orgų gaunate žinutę "YOU DIED"- jūs iškritote. Reikėjo greičiau rinkti kodus;
- Iškritusios komandos gali uždaryti techninį lygį, pasiėmusios baudos patarimą bei tęsti žaidimą. Kiekviename techniniame lygyje iškritusios komandos, norėdamos tęsti žaidimą, privalės imti baudos patarimą;
- Kiekviename realiame lygyje mažės teritorija, kurioje galima ieškoti kodų; mažės kodų skaičius bei augs kodų sudėtingumas;
- Laimi paskutinė neiškritusi ir geriausiai pasirodžiusi komanda.

Bonusai (dropas):

- Bonusai prasideda DROP, pvz.: DROPLABAS
- !Bonusai vedami be prefikso!

Žaidime bus naudojami kelių skirtingų tipų bonusai (dropas):

Bendras dropas:
- Kai kuriuose lygiuose matysite bonusus, kurie gali padėti uždaryti esamą/ ateinantį lygį greičiau / gauti bonusą / arba konkurentams duoti baudos minučių.
- Šiuos bonusus rasite užrašytus markeriu teritorijoje;
- Įvedus bonuso kodą, komentare pamatysite jo teikiamą naudą bei panaudojimo sąlygas.

FTF dropas:
- Šie bonusai jums leis uždaryti visą lygį arba gauti papildomą gyvybę. Juos reikės surasti ir pasiimti greičiau nei kitoms komandoms.
- Dropas bus pavadintas sistemoje kaip FTF DROP.
- Norint panaudoti FTF dropą jums reikia ateiti pas orgus arba parašyti per Viber/Messenger/Telegram pasidalinant dropo kodu.
- Orgi prašo iškritusių komandų FTF dropo nerinkti ir palikti jį dar gyvoms komandoms

Level #2 "Briefing"
Task for all
Klausom, ką papasakos orgai. Jei kyla neaiškumų, nesikuklinam ir paklausiam.

enemyspotted - for all

Level #3 "Deployment"
Autopass: in 5 minutes

Task for all
Turite 5 min pasiskirstyti teritorijoje, galite pradėti rinkti kodus. Šis lygis užsidarys automatiškai.

Liko komandų: 20/20

Level #4 "Realus lygis - 1"
Autopass: in 30 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 20/20

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 95 sectors)
Sector 1
paprastas - for all
Sector 2
lengvas - for all
Sector 3
easy - for all
Sector 4
namas - for all
Sector 5
langas - for all
Sector 6
vasara - for all
Sector 7
facebook - for all
Sector 8
enter - for all
Sector 9
ekranas - for all
Sector 10
batai - for all
Sector 11
musis - for all
Sector 12
masina - for all
Sector 13
skaicius - for all
Sector 14
garbana - for all
Sector 15
savaite - for all
Sector 16
gaidys - for all
Sector 17
vejas - for all
Sector 18
liftas - for all
Sector 19
galva - for all
Sector 20
kambarys - for all
Sector 21
kapotas - for all
Sector 22
lapukas - for all
Sector 23
mesa - for all
Sector 24
burgeris - for all
Sector 25
dvidesimt - for all
Sector 26
anglis - for all
Sector 27
mobilka - for all
Sector 28
kvota - for all
Sector 29
daugiau - for all
Sector 30
taisykle - for all
Sector 31
pinigas - for all
Sector 32
savarzele - for all
Sector 33
zenklas - for all
Sector 34
paspausti - for all
Sector 35
labukas - for all
Sector 36
technologija - for all
Sector 37
pakeisti - for all
Sector 38
pieva - for all
Sector 39
optima - for all
Sector 40
paveikslas - for all
Sector 41
citrina - for all
Sector 42
rytoj - for all
Sector 43
slamstas - for all
Sector 44
bongas - for all
Sector 45
ruta - for all
Sector 46
arbata - for all
Sector 47
skola - for all
Sector 48
tiltas - for all
Sector 49
laivelis - for all
Sector 50
boss - for all
Sector 51
grimas - for all
Sector 52
akcija - for all
Sector 53
benas - for all
Sector 54
karalius - for all
Sector 55
pagalba - for all
Sector 56
huawei - for all
Sector 57
ferma - for all
Sector 58
filtras - for all
Sector 59
elektra - for all
Sector 60
manitou - for all
Sector 61
vokietis - for all
Sector 62
spindulys - for all
Sector 63
vitaminas - for all
Sector 64
savanoris - for all
Sector 65
dokas - for all
Sector 66
penktadienis - for all
Sector 67
mikutavicius - for all
Sector 68
edit - for all
Sector 69
sakute - for all
Sector 70
panevezys - for all
Sector 71
urban - for all
Sector 72
kastonas - for all
Sector 73
jega - for all
Sector 74
blusa - for all
Sector 75
like - for all
Sector 76
noras - for all
Sector 77
vada - for all
Sector 78
lempa - for all
Sector 79
lipni - for all
Sector 80
raupai - for all
Sector 81
baba - for all
Sector 82
kurmis - for all
Sector 83
tortas - for all
Sector 84
pc - for all
Sector 85
zilka - for all
Sector 86
usai - for all
Sector 87
zona - for all
Sector 88
pow - for all
Sector 89
parasiutas - for all
Sector 90
ugis - for all
Sector 91
limit - for all
Sector 92
tu - for all
Sector 93
veidas - for all
Sector 94
toli - for all
Sector 95
dv - for all
Sector 96
karys - for all
Sector 97
bandele - for all
Sector 98
veto - for all
Sector 99
kunigas - for all
Sector 100
matau - for all
Sector 101
varske - for all
Sector 102
gif - for all
Sector 103
tinkas - for all
Sector 104
laukas - for all
Sector 105
vanduo - for all
Sector 106
plyta - for all
Sector 107
zargonas - for all
Sector 108
rojus - for all
Sector 109
nulis - for all
Sector 110
armor - for all
Sector 111
ctrlc - for all
Sector 112
ctrlv - for all
Sector 113
nesurastas - for all
Sector 114
666 - for all
Sector 115
piratas - for all
Sector 116
nepigu - for all
Sector 117
jo - for all
Sector 118
century - for all
Sector 119
france - for all
Sector 120
gala - for all
Sector 121
mintys - for all
Sector 122
silver - for all
Sector 123
item - for all
Sector 124
style - for all
Sector 125
alias - for all
Sector 126
liniuote - for all
Sector 127
einiirvedi - for all
Sector 128
aisku - for all
Sector 129
ryta - for all
Sector 130
zalia - for all
Sector 131
neptunas - for all
Sector 132
povilaitis - for all
Sector 133
paseles - for all
Sector 134
homo - for all
Sector 135
weed - for all
Sector 136
spatula - for all
Sector 137
lot - for all
Sector 138
kokainas - for all
Sector 139
urf - for all
Sector 140
bolas - for all
Sector 141
botas - for all
Sector 142
uztaves - for all
Sector 143
Behind - for all
Sector 144
doleris - for all
Sector 145
paksas - for all
Sector 146
lavonas - for all
Sector 147
tspmi - for all
Sector 148
impst - for all
Sector 149
skaiciuote - for all
Sector 150
king - for all
Sector 151
duoba - for all
Sector 152
kuisys - for all
Sector 153
southpark - for all
Sector 154
londe - for all
Sector 155
blonde - for all
Sector 156
slot - for all
Sector 157
aparatas - for all
Sector 158
guzas - for all
Sector 159
mylia - for all
Sector 160
uztvanka - for all
Sector 161
k - for all
Sector 162
69 - for all
Sector 163
vartai - for all
Sector 164
captain - for all
Sector 165
obvious - for all
Sector 166
dusia - for all
Sector 167
ae - for all
Sector 168
ea - for all
Sector 169
kinija - for all
Sector 170
molis - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all
nepatingejau - for all

Level #5 "Techninis lygis 1"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę KITAJCAJKUR arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

fabuose - for all

Level #6 "Realus lygis - 2"
Autopass: in 35 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 20/20

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 85 sectors)
Sector 1
sunkesnis - for all
Sector 2
kazkoks - for all
Sector 3
suslikas - for all
Sector 4
katana - for all
Sector 5
ratas - for all
Sector 6
vilkas - for all
Sector 7
baidare - for all
Sector 8
menuo - for all
Sector 9
zebras - for all
Sector 10
svedija - for all
Sector 11
boikotas - for all
Sector 12
fyfa - for all
Sector 13
maikas - for all
Sector 14
ciuvakas - for all
Sector 15
liulia - for all
Sector 16
dendritas - for all
Sector 17
herojus - for all
Sector 18
vienasdu - for all
Sector 19
440 - for all
Sector 20
niujorkas - for all
Sector 21
banda - for all
Sector 22
remontas - for all
Sector 23
santechnikas - for all
Sector 24
mimoza - for all
Sector 25
arbata - for all
Sector 26
susitinkam - for all
Sector 27
ziurek - for all
Sector 28
lietuva - for all
Sector 29
pakrovejas - for all
Sector 30
gulbe - for all
Sector 31
nuogas - for all
Sector 32
nigga - for all
Sector 33
ciucikas - for all
Sector 34
web - for all
Sector 35
fiasko - for all
Sector 36
bakterija - for all
Sector 37
nulisnulis - for all
00 - for all
Sector 38
simpsonas - for all
Sector 39
partija - for all
Sector 40
ukis - for all
Sector 41
kotas - for all
Sector 42
wolt - for all
Sector 43
kvietinis - for all
Sector 44
data - for all
Sector 45
optika - for all
Sector 46
matrioska - for all
Sector 47
kuprine - for all
Sector 48
mediena - for all
Sector 49
raudonas - for all
Sector 50
saugok - for all
Sector 51
vandenelis - for all
Sector 52
callme - for all
Sector 53
raben - for all
Sector 54
autoline - for all
Sector 55
chana - for all
Sector 56
gruodis - for all
Sector 57
dhl - for all
Sector 58
guglink - for all
Sector 59
transformeris - for all
Sector 60
serveris - for all
Sector 61
kava - for all
Sector 62
grubus - for all
Sector 63
pokstas - for all
Sector 64
afrika - for all
Sector 65
rice - for all
Sector 66
euras - for all
Sector 67
taksistas - for all
Sector 68
maumas - for all
Sector 69
tabu - for all
Sector 70
kiaune - for all
Sector 71
sniegas - for all
Sector 72
vanta - for all
Sector 73
maskva - for all
Sector 74
geriau - for all
Sector 75
suprask - for all
Sector 76
far - for all
Sector 77
fart - for all
Sector 78
alio - for all
Sector 79
rura - for all
Sector 80
kastetas - for all
Sector 81
dovana - for all
Sector 82
vergas - for all
Sector 83
nukrito - for all
Sector 84
oj - for all
Sector 85
teip - for all
Sector 86
teptukas - for all
Sector 87
daugiskaita - for all
Sector 88
antis - for all
Sector 89
krapas - for all
Sector 90
kuoka - for all
Sector 91
arka - for all
Sector 92
apie - for all
Sector 93
banko - for all
Sector 94
click - for all
Sector 95
we - for all
Sector 96
event - for all
Sector 97
regards - for all
Sector 98
thanks - for all
Sector 99
yes - for all
Sector 100
ubagas - for all
Sector 101
trecdalis - for all
Sector 102
ciberzole - for all
Sector 103
zoom - for all
Sector 104
viksva - for all
Sector 105
bumerangas - for all
Sector 106
nintendo - for all
Sector 107
mo - for all
Sector 108
link - for all
Sector 109
klinika - for all
Sector 110
jegos - for all
Sector 111
gaires - for all
Sector 112
fort - for all
Sector 113
aid - for all
Sector 114
spagetis - for all
Sector 115
dedule - for all
Sector 116
ever - for all
Sector 117
point - for all
Sector 118
indigo - for all
Sector 119
ooo - for all
000 - for all
Sector 120
uzkalnis - for all
Sector 121
replika - for all
Sector 122
totemas - for all
Sector 123
yum - for all
Sector 124
uzia - for all
Sector 125
uab - for all
Sector 126
isterija - for all
Sector 127
osmis - for all
Sector 128
pekla - for all
Sector 129
jaukas - for all
Sector 130
klaida - for all
Sector 131
laime - for all
Sector 132
nala - for all
Sector 133
makaule - for all
Sector 134
bribe - for all
Sector 135
vegeta - for all
Sector 136
vakcina - for all
Sector 137
chamas - for all
Sector 138
du - for all
Sector 139
sriegte - for all
Sector 140
calm - for all
Sector 141
adele - for all
Sector 142
everestas - for all
Sector 143
runos - for all
Sector 144
formeles - for all
Sector 145
tiramisu - for all
Sector 146
mango - for all
Sector 147
ledai - for all
Sector 148
ukis - for all
Sector 149
traktor - for all
Sector 150
alt - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all

Level #7 "Techninis lygis 2"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę KASSIENARAVI arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

belarus52 - for all
fendt936 - for all

Level #8 "Realus lygis - 3"
Autopass: in 45 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 19/20

Bonus #1 "DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second


Šis DROP uždarys 9 šio lygio sektorius.



(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 80 sectors)
Sector 1
traukinys - for all
Sector 2
zvyras - for all
Sector 3
sviesa - for all
Sector 4
100 - for all
Sector 5
miegas - for all
Sector 6
kasyte - for all
Sector 7
comrade - for all
Sector 8
respekt - for all
Sector 9
linija - for all
Sector 10
logika - for all
Sector 11
skra - for all
Sector 12
dvigubas - for all
Sector 13
kvadratas - for all
Sector 14
koloritas - for all
Sector 15
drugnas - for all
Sector 16
lazanija - for all
Sector 17
fetisas - for all
Sector 18
gumbas - for all
Sector 19
sakalys - for all
Sector 20
troba - for all
Sector 21
gg - for all
Sector 22
taskas - for all
Sector 23
taburete - for all
Sector 24
stiebas - for all
Sector 25
bokstas - for all
Sector 26
dziugas - for all
Sector 27
stop - for all
Sector 28
zaibas - for all
Sector 29
vieta - for all
Sector 30
kyviskes - for all
Sector 31
vaztarastis - for all
Sector 32
lapkritis - for all
Sector 33
gaditsia - for all
Sector 34
sinatra - for all
Sector 35
rapsai - for all
Sector 36
LT - for all
Sector 37
graza - for all
Sector 38
pewpew - for all
Sector 39
vagonas - for all
Sector 40
trick - for all
Sector 41
gyvate - for all
Sector 42
komodas - for all
Sector 43
sesiakampis - for all
Sector 44
stabdas - for all
Sector 45
zvyras - for all
Sector 46
geltonsnapis - for all
Sector 47
pazeidejas - for all
Sector 48
tabasco - for all
Sector 49
pasaka - for all
Sector 50
vamzdynas - for all
Sector 51
karusele - for all
Sector 52
svoris - for all
Sector 53
karkasas - for all
Sector 54
babcia - for all
Sector 55
sirupas - for all
Sector 56
niekas - for all
Sector 57
informacija - for all
Sector 58
omas - for all
Sector 59
protas - for all
Sector 60
add - for all
Sector 61
reklama - for all
Sector 62
seimas - for all
Sector 63
dear - for all
Sector 64
forma - for all
Sector 65
good - for all
Sector 66
jeigu - for all
Sector 67
klausimas - for all
Sector 68
atsakymas - for all
Sector 69
bingelio - for all
Sector 70
anekdotas - for all
Sector 71
briedis - for all
Sector 72
lady - for all
Sector 73
gaga - for all
Sector 74
hiperbole - for all
Sector 75
jurginas - for all
Sector 76
klimatas - for all
Sector 77
lankelis - for all
Sector 78
ribotas - for all
Sector 79
arunas - for all
Sector 80
mykia - for all
Sector 81
versis - for all
Sector 82
zygis - for all
Sector 83
domino - for all
Sector 84
palauk - for all
Sector 85
darbas - for all
Sector 86
art - for all
Sector 87
vadinasi - for all
Sector 88
Xbox - for all
Sector 89
begalybe - for all
Sector 90
bravo - for all
Sector 91
zulu - for all
Sector 92
knopke - for all
Sector 93
bumble - for all
Sector 94
x - for all
Sector 95
gaudis - for all
Sector 96
beautiful - for all
Sector 97
mix - for all
Sector 98
pew - for all
Sector 99
medicina - for all
Sector 100
kosmonautas - for all
Sector 101
vovere - for all
Sector 102
sniegena - for all
Sector 103
revolveris - for all
Sector 104
fyre - for all
Sector 105
revolution - for all
Sector 106
ismatos - for all
Sector 107
voriukas - for all
Sector 108
etapas - for all
Sector 109
kaukia - for all
Sector 110
jaunas - for all
Sector 111
nuotaka - for all
Sector 112
velniop - for all
Sector 113
kaukazo - for all
Sector 114
faktai - for all
Sector 115
kvantilis - for all
Sector 116
slaunis - for all
Sector 117
beat - for all
Sector 118
groot - for all
Sector 119
vitaminai - for all
Sector 120
meilu - for all
Sector 121
kasaras - for all
Sector 122
pantalonai - for all
Sector 123
actekas - for all
Sector 124
lopeta - for all
Sector 125
question - for all
Sector 126
pomidoras - for all
Sector 127
opel - for all
Sector 128
undine - for all
Sector 129
idejos - for all
Sector 130
yda - for all
Sector 131
turbo - for all
Sector 132
riksmas - for all
Sector 133
eukaliptas - for all
Sector 134
aroma - for all
Sector 135
zvynai - for all
Sector 136
slidu - for all
Sector 137
duonele - for all
Sector 138
cyp - for all
Sector 139
kaimas - for all
Sector 140
midus - for all
Sector 141
jaunikis - for all
Sector 142
bim - for all
Sector 143
gopnik - for all
Sector 144
vostok - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all
druzba - for all

Level #9 "Techninis lygis 3"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę KURMIS arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

guliasas - for all
kasablanka - for all

Level #10 "Realus lygis - 4"
Autopass: in 50 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 18/20

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 63 sectors)
Sector 1
zinoma - for all
Sector 2
click - for all
Sector 3
viena - for all
Sector 4
basanavicius - for all
Sector 5
plq - for all
Sector 6
nemokamas - for all
Sector 7
drop - for all
Sector 8
mafija - for all
Sector 9
navy - for all
Sector 10
mind - for all
Sector 11
burbulas - for all
Sector 12
vairas - for all
Sector 13
laida - for all
Sector 14
irti - for all
Sector 15
knopke - for all
Sector 16
nibus - for all
Sector 17
rabota - for all
Sector 18
ziogas - for all
Sector 19
kepenys - for all
Sector 20
burokas - for all
Sector 21
bajeris - for all
Sector 22
kuku - for all
Sector 23
ausis - for all
Sector 24
78 - for all
Sector 25
ufonautas - for all
Sector 26
raktas - for all
Sector 27
siandien - for all
Sector 28
ziedas - for all
Sector 29
wave - for all
Sector 30
gaditsia - for all
Sector 31
komisija - for all
Sector 32
kilimas - for all
Sector 33
misija - for all
Sector 34
sibiras - for all
Sector 35
intranetas - for all
Sector 36
lok - for all
Sector 37
edge - for all
Sector 38
deze - for all
Sector 39
kailiukas - for all
Sector 40
bijau - for all
Sector 41
kulka - for all
Sector 42
gandrai - for all
Sector 43
meilius - for all
Sector 44
rumai - for all
Sector 45
dver - for all
Sector 46
kul - for all
Sector 47
storm - for all
Sector 48
suzinot - for all
Sector 49
precious - for all
Sector 50
tasty - for all
Sector 51
taste - for all
Sector 52
golum - for all
Sector 53
piano - for all
Sector 54
cikaga - for all
Sector 55
ezero - for all
Sector 56
pluta - for all
Sector 57
spandex - for all
Sector 58
instax - for all
Sector 59
putpele - for all
Sector 60
ruteris - for all
Sector 61
smecta - for all
Sector 62
iliuzija - for all
Sector 63
hq - for all
Sector 64
iq - for all
Sector 65
mostas - for all
Sector 66
pluke - for all
Sector 67
blake - for all
Sector 68
smarve - for all
Sector 69
sienas - for all
Sector 70
bonbon - for all
Sector 71
auc - for all
Sector 72
nesimato - for all
Sector 73
parmezanas - for all
Sector 74
plius - for all
Sector 75
dioptrija - for all
Sector 76
fizika - for all
Sector 77
smagu - for all
Sector 78
metai - for all
Sector 79
kopecios - for all
Sector 80
dienoms - for all
Sector 81
skilvelis - for all
Sector 82
puzle - for all
Sector 83
stay - for all
Sector 84
kalasnikovas - for all
Sector 85
skambutis - for all
Sector 86
atvirai - for all
Sector 87
aliejus - for all
Sector 88
paprika - for all
Sector 89
grill - for all
Sector 90
juze - for all
Sector 91
cikada - for all
Sector 92
zona - for all
Sector 93
lukiskes - for all
Sector 94
haris - for all
Sector 95
58 - for all
Sector 96
scale - for all
Sector 97
tuoj - for all
Sector 98
paysera - for all
Sector 99
makaluoti - for all
Sector 100
bandymas - for all
Sector 101
nvm - for all
Sector 102
vmi - for all
Sector 103
duck - for all
Sector 104
young - for all
Sector 105
liulia - for all
Sector 106
fraud - for all
Sector 107
qq - for all
Sector 108
era - for all
Sector 109
arbatos - for all
Sector 110
mercado - for all
Sector 111
austres - for all
Sector 112
studija - for all
Sector 113
bowl - for all
Sector 114
bake - for all
Sector 115
niurzga - for all
Sector 116
ziobaras - for all
Sector 117
robokopas - for all
Sector 118
valdzia - for all
Sector 119
donaldas - for all
Sector 120
butaforija - for all
Sector 121
ciabuvis - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all

Level #11 "Techninis lygis 4"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę NENORIUMIRT arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

ieskokkodu - for all
prasileidau - for all

Level #12 "Realus lygis - 5"
Autopass: in 45 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 15/20

Bonus #1 "DOUBLE DAMAGE DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second
Limit performance time: 4 minutes


Šis DROP leis šiame lygyje su vienu rastu kodu uždaryti 2 sektorius.

Prie surastų kodų pabaigos pridėkite raidę Z, pvz.: KODASZ
Šis kodas uždays iš karto 2 sektorius


(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 55 sectors)
Sector 1
tarpine - for all
tarpinez - for all
tarping - for all
tarpin6 - for all
tarpin - for all
tarpinz - for all
tarpins - for all
Sector 2
elektrolitas - for all
elektrolitasz - for all
Sector 3
rokiskis - for all
rokiskisz - for all
Sector 4
coffin - for all
coffinz - for all
Sector 5
atostogos - for all
atostogosz - for all
Sector 6
pagaliau - for all
pagaliauz - for all
Sector 7
kriu - for all
kriuz - for all
Sector 8
tinginys - for all
tinginysz - for all
Sector 9
batai - for all
bataiz - for all
Sector 10
snaige - for all
snaigez - for all
Sector 11
saltis - for all
saltisz - for all
Sector 12
aitvaras - for all
aitvarasz - for all
Sector 13
prudas - for all
prudasz - for all
Sector 14
trolis - for all
trolisz - for all
Sector 15
zirgas - for all
zirgasz - for all
Sector 16
beer - for all
beerz - for all
Sector 17
42 - for all
42z - for all
Sector 18
24 - for all
24z - for all
Sector 19
nepalas - for all
nepalasz - for all
Sector 20
kamikaze - for all
kamikazez - for all
Sector 21
malibu - for all
malibuz - for all
Sector 22
zose - for all
zosez - for all
Sector 23
miau - for all
miauz - for all
Sector 24
cika - for all
cikaz - for all
Sector 25
kitkat - for all
kitkatz - for all
Sector 26
bounty - for all
bountyz - for all
Sector 27
plutonas - for all
plutonasz - for all
Sector 28
seklycia - for all
seklyciaz - for all
Sector 29
sekretorius - for all
sekretoriusz - for all
Sector 30
ratuku - for all
ratukuz - for all
Sector 31
kaipciabus - for all
kaipciabusz - for all
Sector 32
posukis - for all
posukisz - for all
Sector 33
nemunas - for all
nemunasz - for all
Sector 34
estakada - for all
estakadaz - for all
Sector 35
pilaite - for all
pilaitez - for all
Sector 36
giruliai - for all
giruliaiz - for all
Sector 37
drambliokaulas - for all
drambliokaulasz - for all
Sector 38
safyras - for all
safyrasz - for all
Sector 39
mortalkombat - for all
mortalkombatz - for all
Sector 40
silelis - for all
silelisz - for all
Sector 41
kilimas - for all
kilimasz - for all
Sector 42
suba - for all
subaz - for all
Sector 43
rikas - for all
rikasz - for all
Sector 44
planas - for all
planasz - for all
Sector 45
rajonas - for all
rajonasz - for all
Sector 46
semkos - for all
semkosz - for all
Sector 47
police - for all
policez - for all
Sector 48
desrainis - for all
desrainisz - for all
Sector 49
lenovo - for all
lenovoz - for all
Sector 50
norfa - for all
norfaz - for all
Sector 51
babce - for all
babcez - for all
Sector 52
sodra - for all
sodraz - for all
Sector 53
sofa - for all
sofaz - for all
Sector 54
sveikatine - for all
sveikatinez - for all
Sector 55
zombis - for all
zombisz - for all
Sector 56
psichika - for all
psichikaz - for all
Sector 57
gogo - for all
gogoz - for all
Sector 58
neten - for all
netenz - for all
Sector 59
baseinas - for all
baseinasz - for all
Sector 60
gegute - for all
gegutez - for all
Sector 61
planeta - for all
planetaz - for all
Sector 62
Jekaterina - for all
Jekaterinaz - for all
Sector 63
popa - for all
popaz - for all
Sector 64
nesuprato - for all
nesupratoz - for all
Sector 65
1998 - for all
1998z - for all
Sector 66
nepilnamete - for all
nepilnametez - for all
Sector 67
lelija - for all
lelijaz - for all
Sector 68
nemirtinga - for all
nemirtingaz - for all
Sector 69
mickey - for all
mickeyz - for all
Sector 70
akacijos - for all
akacijosz - for all
Sector 71
akcija - for all
akcijaz - for all
Sector 72
siuksle - for all
siukslez - for all
Sector 73
tamsta - for all
tamstaz - for all
Sector 74
balkonas - for all
balkonasz - for all
Sector 75
kompotas - for all
kompotasz - for all
Sector 76
mineralas - for all
mineralasz - for all
Sector 77
meta - for all
metaz - for all
Sector 78
meskinija - for all
meskinijaz - for all
Sector 79
sto - for all
stoz - for all
st0 - for all
st0z - for all
Sector 80
kasis - for all
kasisz - for all
Sector 81
topas - for all
topasz - for all
Sector 82
yahoo - for all
yahooz - for all
Sector 83
ft - for all
ftz - for all
Sector 84
skaicius - for all
skaiciusz - for all
Sector 85
sombrero - for all
sombreroz - for all
sombrer0 - for all
sombrer0z - for all
Sector 86
dviratis - for all
dviratisz - for all
Sector 87
delta - for all
deltaz - for all
Sector 88
tunelis - for all
tunelisz - for all
Sector 89
pusynas - for all
pusynasz - for all
Sector 90
ziedas - for all
ziedasz - for all
Sector 91
isveikata - for all
isveikataz - for all
Sector 92
skull - for all
skullz - for all
Sector 93
kaliaska - for all
kaliaskaz - for all
Sector 94
waze - for all
wazez - for all
wa2e - for all
wa2ez - for all
Sector 95
boratas - for all
boratasz - for all
Sector 96
kastonai - for all
kastonaiz - for all
Sector 97
baku - for all
bakuz - for all
Sector 98
bla - for all
blaz - for all
Sector 99
kampas - for all
kampasz - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
Double damage
tarpinez - for all
Double damage
elektrolitasz - for all
Double damage
rokiskisz - for all
Double damage
coffinz - for all
Double damage
atostogosz - for all
Double damage
pagaliauz - for all
Double damage
kriuz - for all
Double damage
tinginysz - for all
Double damage
bataiz - for all
Double damage
snaigez - for all
Double damage
saltisz - for all
Double damage
aitvarasz - for all
Double damage
prudasz - for all
Double damage
trolisz - for all
Double damage
zirgasz - for all
Double damage
beerz - for all
Double damage
42z - for all
Double damage
24z - for all
Double damage
nepalasz - for all
Double damage
kamikazez - for all
Double damage
malibuz - for all
Double damage
zosez - for all
Double damage
miauz - for all
Double damage
cikaz - for all
Double damage
kitkatz - for all
Double damage
bountyz - for all
Double damage
plutonasz - for all
Double damage
seklyciaz - for all
Double damage
sekretoriusz - for all
Double damage
ratukuz - for all
Double damage
kaipciabusz - for all
Double damage
posukisz - for all
Double damage
nemunasz - for all
Double damage
estakadaz - for all
Double damage
pilaitez - for all
Double damage
giruliaiz - for all
Double damage
drambliokaulasz - for all
Double damage
safyrasz - for all
Double damage
mortalkombatz - for all
Double damage
silelisz - for all
Double damage
kilimasz - for all
Double damage
subaz - for all
Double damage
rikasz - for all
Double damage
planasz - for all
Double damage
rajonasz - for all
Double damage
semkosz - for all
Double damage
policez - for all
Double damage
desrainisz - for all
Double damage
lenovoz - for all
Double damage
norfaz - for all
Double damage
babcez - for all
Double damage
sodraz - for all
Double damage
sofaz - for all
Double damage
sveikatinez - for all
Double damage
zombisz - for all
Double damage
psichikaz - for all
Double damage
gogoz - for all
Double damage
netenz - for all
Double damage
baseinasz - for all
Double damage
gegutez - for all
Double damage
planetaz - for all
Double damage
Jekaterinaz - for all
Double damage
popaz - for all
Double damage
nesupratoz - for all
Double damage
1998z - for all
Double damage
nepilnametez - for all
Double damage
lelijaz - for all
Double damage
nemirtingaz - for all
Double damage
mickeyz - for all
Double damage
akacijosz - for all
Double damage
akcijaz - for all
Double damage
siukslez - for all
Double damage
tamstaz - for all
Double damage
balkonasz - for all
Double damage
kompotasz - for all
Double damage
mineralasz - for all
Double damage
metaz - for all
Double damage
meskinijaz - for all
Double damage
stoz - for all
st0z - for all
Double damage
kasisz - for all
Double damage
topasz - for all
Double damage
yahooz - for all
Double damage
ftz - for all
Double damage
skaiciusz - for all
Double damage
sombreroz - for all
sombrer0z - for all
Double damage
dviratisz - for all
Double damage
deltaz - for all
Double damage
tunelisz - for all
Double damage
pusynasz - for all
Double damage
ziedasz - for all
Double damage
isveikataz - for all
Double damage
skullz - for all
Double damage
kaliaskaz - for all
Double damage
wazez - for all
wa2ez - for all
Double damage
boratasz - for all
Double damage
kastonaiz - for all
Double damage
bakuz - for all
Double damage
blaz - for all
Double damage
kampasz - for all

Level #13 "Techninis lygis 5"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę URBANIC arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

vulkan - for all
eisiuskintburoku - for all

Level #14 "Realus lygis - 6"
Autopass: in 45 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 14/20

Bonus #1 "DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second
Delay appearance time: 4 minutes


Šis DROP uždarys 12 šio lygio sektorių.
Hint: Elektra.



(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 45 sectors)
Sector 1
uwaga - for all
Sector 2
uraganas - for all
Sector 3
silkute - for all
Sector 4
ego - for all
Sector 5
statistika - for all
Sector 6
atidaryta - for all
Sector 7
tll - for all
Sector 8
brendis - for all
Sector 9
fas - for all
Sector 10
gas - for all
Sector 11
kamaz - for all
kampz - for all
Sector 12
ape - for all
Sector 13
spritz - for all
Sector 14
nuoma - for all
Sector 15
taktika - for all
Sector 16
namo - for all
Sector 17
virvele - for all
Sector 18
rebusas - for all
Sector 19
pajegus - for all
Sector 20
muziejus - for all
Sector 21
kvanka - for all
Sector 22
donaldas - for all
Sector 23
suru - for all
Sector 24
dalasas - for all
Sector 25
u2 - for all
Sector 26
gzr - for all
Sector 27
zdrv - for all
Sector 28
zervy - for all
Sector 29
akmuo - for all
Sector 30
rock - for all
Sector 31
rokas - for all
Sector 32
kumpiak - for all
Sector 33
misraine - for all
Sector 34
perskambinsiu - for all
Sector 35
darzelis - for all
Sector 36
sviesa - for all
Sector 37
yoyo - for all
Sector 38
isradimas - for all
Sector 39
svitrigaila - for all
Sector 40
jonegaila - for all
Sector 41
neste - for all
Sector 42
pieva - for all
Sector 43
palaiminti - for all
Sector 44
vale - for all
Sector 45
ur - for all
Sector 46
url - for all
Sector 47
rankinis - for all
Sector 48
iki - for all
Sector 49
nutilo - for all
Sector 50
kose - for all
Sector 51
makalose - for all
Sector 52
surajev - for all
Sector 53
visurvagys - for all
Sector 54
palikimas - for all
Sector 55
mojito - for all
Sector 56
saulys - for all
Sector 57
mada - for all
Sector 58
usius - for all
Sector 59
doggo - for all
Sector 60
emoji - for all
Sector 61
hue - for all
Sector 62
squid - for all
Sector 63
kiausinis - for all
Sector 64
buterbrodas - for all
Sector 65
lusna - for all
Sector 66
ryziai - for all
Sector 67
pyrda - for all
Sector 68
uola - for all
Sector 69
gopro - for all
Sector 70
aukuras - for all
Sector 71
spauda - for all
Sector 72
uogos - for all
Sector 73
5eur - for all
Sector 74
raizo - for all
Sector 75
kablys - for all
Sector 76
estija - for all
Sector 77
kurspalis - for all
Sector 78
bambukas - for all
Sector 79
umede - for all
Sector 80
alytus - for all
Sector 81
mauzeris - for all
Sector 82
keistuolis - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all
dalmantinai - for all

Level #15 "Techninis lygis 6"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę TULPE arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

nepapirksi - for all
prisidirbau - for all

Level #16 "Realus lygis - 7"
Autopass: in 40 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 12/20

Bonus #1 "WEAPON DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second


Pasirinkite ginklą, kurį panaudosite sekančiame lygyje. Ginklą reikės įvardinti orgams artimiausiame techniniame lygyje:
Granata - padarote pasirinktai komandai damage- ji gauna 5 min baudą, bet gaunate 2 min baudos
Keptuvė - padarote pasirinktai komandai damage- ji gauna 2 min baudą.


(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 34 sectors)
Sector 1
truko - for all
Sector 2
gumyte - for all
Sector 3
bubba - for all
Sector 4
zmurikas - for all
Sector 5
meta - for all
Sector 6
ardas - for all
Sector 7
akropolis - for all
Sector 8
alkopotato - for all
Sector 9
spinta - for all
Sector 10
bravarija - for all
Sector 11
pine - for all
Sector 12
plyne - for all
Sector 13
kolektorius - for all
Sector 14
monarchas - for all
Sector 15
rudis - for all
Sector 16
info - for all
Sector 17
atelje - for all
Sector 18
m - for all
Sector 19
gariunai - for all
Sector 20
uraganas - for all
Sector 21
profas - for all
Sector 22
namine - for all
Sector 23
variokas - for all
Sector 24
hehehe - for all
Sector 25
valiklis - for all
Sector 26
sex - for all
Sector 27
jungle - for all
Sector 28
Gibraltaras - for all
Sector 29
sasiauris - for all
Sector 30
siaure - for all
Sector 31
tramvajus - for all
Sector 32
gvazdikai - for all
Sector 33
susna - for all
Sector 34
plemas - for all
Sector 35
baras - for all
Sector 36
kojotas - for all
Sector 37
labutis - for all
Sector 38
udra - for all
Sector 39
tyla - for all
Sector 40
breketai - for all
Sector 41
kruonis - for all
Sector 42
material - for all
Sector 43
spektaklis - for all
Sector 44
patiko - for all
Sector 45
pamoka - for all
Sector 46
muistosi - for all
Sector 47
rasa - for all
Sector 48
kadras - for all
Sector 49
ula - for all
Sector 50
sveikigyvi - for all
Sector 51
batelis - for all
Sector 52
dar15 - for all
Sector 53
hamamas - for all
Sector 54
plude - for all
Sector 55
pedo - for all
Sector 56
pandora - for all
Sector 57
mociute - for all
Sector 58
dejau - for all
Sector 59
eit - for all
Sector 60
kroketai - for all
Sector 61
kroksai - for all
Sector 62
medzius - for all
Sector 63
laimingai - for all
Sector 64
supratau - for all
Sector 65
klausau - for all
Sector 66
nesioja - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all

Level #17 "Techninis lygis 7"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę MENEDZERIS arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

bitcoin - for all
krachas - for all

Level #18 "Realus lygis - 8"
Autopass: in 40 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 10/20

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 4 hours
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Pavargau, noriu uždaryti šį lygį

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 29 sectors)
10 objektas: prie įėjimo
cholkozas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: šalia ENBG1666
depo - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: vidury 2005 sienos
etaksi - for all
meditacija1 - for all
Etaxi - for all
10 objektas: virš čerpių
objektas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: skylėje
5g - for all
meditacija1 - for all
56 - for all
10 objektas: kampe, ant metalo
sam - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: širdis
lietsargis - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: veidas
metalo - for all
meditacija1 - for all
10 objektas: plyta kampe
kompensacija - for all
meditacija1 - for all
11 objektas: po ENBG4PIANO
galaktika - for all
meditacija1 - for all
11 objektas: laidas
benzinas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
11 objektas: palangė
skyder - for all
meditacija1 - for all
11 objektas: mėlynas durų rėmas
B392 - for all
meditacija1 - for all
11 objektas: užuolaidos
aliuminis - for all
meditacija1 - for all
16 objektas: trikampis
slivke - for all
meditacija1 - for all
16 objektas: medinės pakopos "koja"
peroksidas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
16 objektas: karnizas
buozes - for all
meditacija1 - for all
16 objektas: langas (labiau lauko pusė)
dlight - for all
meditacija1 - for all
16 objektas: kriauklė
brauko - for all
meditacija1 - for all
4 objektas: skylė duryse
lietiniai - for all
meditacija1 - for all
4 objektas: rozetė
elektrikas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
eiektrikas - for all
4 objektas: skylė sienoje
pro - for all
meditacija1 - for all
Pbo - for all
Pr0 - for all
Pb0 - for all
P80 - for all
P8o - for all
4 objektas: po malūnu
dzin - for all
meditacija1 - for all
4 objektas: raudona juosta
laukimas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
25 objektas: ant grindų
vilna - for all
meditacija1 - for all
25 objektas: rozetė
aukstyn - for all
meditacija1 - for all
25 objektas: tapetai
kurtau - for all
meditacija1 - for all
25 objektas: vamzdis
vyras - for all
meditacija1 - for all
25 objektas: rožiniai dažai
see - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: durys
salikas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: pajudinama lenta
98proc - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: lentynėlė
saltinelis - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: už durų
brick - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: vietoje kriaukles
neblokuok - for all
meditacija1 - for all
6 objektas: rozete
lekti - for all
meditacija1 - for all
7 objektas: lempa
dusas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
7 objektas: laiptų vidurys
kabo - for all
meditacija1 - for all
7 objektas: plytos su skylėm
skydeck - for all
meditacija1 - for all
7 objektas: po laiptais
sauktukas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
7 objektas: šildymas
sausainis - for all
meditacija1 - for all
9 objektas: lempa
vienkartinis - for all
meditacija1 - for all
9 objektas: 2 a., balkone
hmmm - for all
meditacija1 - for all
9 objektas: 1 a., vyris
brute - for all
meditacija1 - for all
9 objektas: lempa
istrinti - for all
meditacija1 - for all
9 objektas: laiptai
pasiilgo - for all
meditacija1 - for all
8 objektas: skydinė
kirpykla - for all
meditacija1 - for all
8 objektas: rudos durys
sekmadieni - for all
meditacija1 - for all
8 objektas: šaldiklio (?) durys
bliuzonas - for all
meditacija1 - for all
8 objektas: baras
159 - for all
meditacija1 - for all
8 objektas: netoli rąsto
plastikiniai - for all
meditacija1 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
meditacija1 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
meditacija1 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
meditacija1 - for all

Level #19 "Techninis lygis 8"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę KIAUSINGALVIS arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

zetor - for all
patstutoks - for all

Level #20 "Realus lygis - 9"
Autopass: in 35 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 8/20

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 4 hours
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Pavargau, noriu uždaryti šį lygį

Bonus #1 "MEDKIT DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second


Pasirinkite ginklą, kurį panaudosite sekančiame lygyje. Ginklą reikės įvardinti orgams artimiausiame techniniame lygyje:
Vaivorykštė- pagydote pasirinktą komandą. Ji gauna 5 min bonusą; jūs irgi gaunate 5 min bonusą
Ramentas- pasigydote - gaunate 2 min bonusą.


(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 19 sectors)
11 objektas: juodas
da - for all
kanoja2 - for all
11 objektas: faniera
naujiena - for all
kanoja2 - for all
11 objektas: ant lango, kampiniame kambaryje
ylakiai - for all
kanoja2 - for all
11 objektas: neatidaromos durys
stuburas - for all
kanoja2 - for all
11 objektas: lempa
krusa - for all
kanoja2 - for all
16 objektas: rudos plytos
morena - for all
kanoja2 - for all
16 objektas: žalias vamzdis
nununu - for all
kanoja2 - for all
16 objektas: poilsis
rite - for all
kanoja2 - for all
16 objektas: po tapetu
duokimgaro - for all
kanoja2 - for all
16 objektas: elektra
follow - for all
kanoja2 - for all
4 objektas: karnizas
viber - for all
kanoja2 - for all
4 objektas: b*bys
viper - for all
kanoja2 - for all
4 objektas: projektorius
pomegiai - for all
kanoja2 - for all
4 objektas: scenos kraštas
darwin - for all
kanoja2 - for all
4 objektas: kampe, prie lango
sriegis - for all
kanoja2 - for all
25 objektas: karnizas
samsung - for all
kanoja2 - for all
25 objektas: prie ENBG1VETO
admin - for all
kanoja2 - for all
25 objektas: po palange
volvo - for all
kanoja2 - for all
25 objektas: plyta už lango
cukrus - for all
kanoja2 - for all
25 objektas: įėjimo vamzdis
lock - for all
kanoja2 - for all
6 objektas: ant žalio vamzdžio
knock - for all
kanoja2 - for all
6 objektas: bakelis
kodak - for all
kanoja2 - for all
6 objektas: ant žalio vamzdžio
klevas - for all
kanoja2 - for all
6 objektas: viršutinis langas
zubai - for all
kanoja2 - for all
6 objektas: durys
velniava - for all
kanoja2 - for all
7 objektas: prie įėjimo
tekst - for all
kanoja2 - for all
7 objektas: laiptų apačioje
koma - for all
kanoja2 - for all
7 objektas: geltonas vamzdis
penktadienis13 - for all
kanoja2 - for all
7 objektas: geltonas lango rėmas
gruodis - for all
kanoja2 - for all
7 objektas: juodas audinys
uostas - for all
Kanoja2 - for all
9 objektas: vamzdis vidury laiptų
uv - for all
kanoja2 - for all
9 objektas: prie EN584Gariunay
pensija - for all
kanoja2 - for all
9 objektas: 2 a., lempa
nulis - for all
kanoja2 - for all
Nuvis - for all
9 objektas: prie ENBG1GRIMAS
pasislepe - for all
kanoja2 - for all
Sector 35
dirvonas - for all
kanoja2 - for all
8 objektas: slenkstis
sirma - for all
kanoja2 - for all
8 objektas: WC
pwr - for all
kanoja2 - for all
8 objektas: pagrindinės salės žalsvai kreminė siena
5tv - for all
kanoja2 - for all
8 objektas: mėsa
delfinai - for all
kanoja2 - for all
8 objektas: švarūs indai
varnalesa - for all
kanoja2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all

Level #21 "Techninis lygis 9"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę ABIDNA arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

gimtine - for all
riedaasarele - for all

Level #22 "Realus lygis - 10"
Autopass: in 40 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 7/20

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 3 hours
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Pavargau, noriu uždaryti šį lygį

Bonus #1 "DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second
Delay appearance time: 5 minutes


Hint: išorėje
Šis DROP uždaro 3 sektorius


(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 15 sectors)
16 objektas: po rožinėmis durimis
arbatinukas - for all
morka3 - for all
16 objektas: virš įėjimo
kadapabaiga - for all
morka3 - for all
16 objektas: raudona "pakaba"
trupinys - for all
morka3 - for all
16 objektas: WC
geidziamiausias - for all
morka3 - for all
16 objektas: poilsis
m16 - for all
morka3 - for all
M1g - for all
Mig - for all
Mag - for all
4 objektas: viduryje, ant grindų
baltassniegas - for all
morka3 - for all
4 objektas: po 3 namukais
rezoliucija - for all
morka3 - for all
4 objektas: po durimis
tevyske - for all
morka3 - for all
4 objektas: "rankena"
yda - for all
morka3 - for all
4 objektas: projektorius
gremlin - for all
morka3 - for all
gremlinas - for all
25 objektas: užuolaidos
narkomanas - for all
morka3 - for all
25 objektas: įėjimas
dekonstrukcija - for all
morka3 - for all
destrukcija - for all
25 objektas: linoleumas
pienozvaigzdes - for all
morka3 - for all
25 objektas: palangė iš lauko
makaronumonstras - for all
morka3 - for all
25 objektas: juodas daiktas
girininkas - for all
morka3 - for all
6 objektas: medis su vinimis
parkour - for all
morka3 - for all
6 objektas: WC vamzdis
lovatiese - for all
morka3 - for all
6 objektas: lango rankena
shisha - for all
morka3 - for all
7 objektas: langas iš 6 langų
votys - for all
morka3 - for all
7 objektas: trikampis langas
barbie - for all
morka3 - for all
7 objektas: lubos 2 a.
nuogas - for all
morka3 - for all
7 objektas: balkone
zujunai - for all
morka3 - for all
9 objektas: pečius
viva - for all
morka3 - for all
9 objektas: durys nr. 3
xray - for all
morka3 - for all
9 objektas: skersinis
papa - for all
morka3 - for all
8 objektas: žydras plastikas
semti - for all
morka3 - for all
senti - for all
8 objektas: ventiliacija
vynuoge - for all
morka3 - for all
8 objektas: pagrindinės salės kampe
sapnas - for all
morka3 - for all
8 objektas: kolona
toe - for all
morka3 - for all
8 objektas: plyta, kabanti ant laido
sonas - for all
morka3 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
lidl11 - for all
lidl11 - for all
lidl11 - for all

Level #23 "Techninis lygis 10"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę BOMZEVICH arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

vasiavasia - for all
petrasaustrevicius - for all

Level #24 "Realus lygis - 11"
Autopass: in 40 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 5/20

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 3 hours
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Pavargau, noriu uždaryti šį lygį

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 10 sectors)
Sector 1
parasas - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 2
heraklis - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 3
keturiolika - for all
14 - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 4
titulinis - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 5
astroliabija - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 6
blinkblink - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 7
kapiusonas - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 8
brolispolis - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 9
pidaraske - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 10
lupdazis - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 11
kamasutra - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 12
zebras - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 13
ovacija - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 14
love - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 15
kriu - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 16
hush - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 17
trumpas - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 18
mygia - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 19
onandon - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 20
zydas - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 21
knife - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 22
pilnatis - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 23
rutele - for all
audi4 - for all
Sector 24
metai - for all
audi4 - for all
metas - for all
metaz - for all
Sector 25
faustas - for all
audi4 - for all
netaipne2 - for all
audi4 - for all

Level #25 "Techninis lygis 11"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę GARANTIJA arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

mantija - for all
administracija - for all

Level #26 "Realus lygis - 12"
Autopass: in 30 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 4/20

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 3 hours
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Pavargau, noriu uždaryti šitą lygį

Bonus #1 "DOUBLE DAMAGE DROP" for all

Bonus time: 1 second
Limit performance time: 4 minutes


Prie surastų kodų pabaigos pridėkite raides NX, pvz.: KODASNX


(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 8 sectors)
Sector 1
priespaskutinis - for all
tvora5 - for all
priespaskutinisnx - for all
Sector 2
atgal - for all
tvora5 - for all
atgalnx - for all
Sector 3
pompa - for all
tvora5 - for all
pompanx - for all
Sector 4
kiras - for all
tvora5 - for all
kirasnx - for all
Sector 5
hello - for all
tvora5 - for all
hellonx - for all
Sector 6
bambilia - for all
tvora5 - for all
bambilianx - for all
Sector 7
hardcore - for all
tvora5 - for all
hardcorenx - for all
Sector 8
nebenoriu - for all
tvora5 - for all
nebenoriunx - for all
Sector 9
sekretorius - for all
tvora5 - for all
sekretoriusnx - for all
Sector 10
xfaktorius - for all
tvora5 - for all
xfaktoriusnx - for all
Sector 11
papai - for all
tvora5 - for all
papainx - for all
Sector 12
purvas - for all
tvora5 - for all
purvasnx - for all
Sector 13
klumpes - for all
tvora5 - for all
klumpesnx - for all
Sector 14
zose - for all
tvora5 - for all
zosenx - for all
Sector 15
stumbras - for all
tvora5 - for all
stumbrasnx - for all
Sector 16
trauktine - for all
tvora5 - for all
trauktinenx - for all
Sector 17
paroda - for all
tvora5 - for all
parodanx - for all
Sector 18
varveklis - for all
tvora5 - for all
varveklisnx - for all
Sector 19
tupikas - for all
tvora5 - for all
tupikasnx - for all
Sector 20
zumba - for all
tvora5 - for all
zumbanx - for all
netaipne2 - for all
Double damage
priespaskutinisnx - for all
Double damage
atgalnx - for all
Double damage
pompanx - for all
Double damage
kirasnx - for all
Double damage
hellonx - for all
Double damage
bambilianx - for all
Double damage
hardcorenx - for all
Double damage
nebenoriunx - for all
Double damage
sekretoriusnx - for all
Double damage
xfaktoriusnx - for all
Double damage
papainx - for all
Double damage
purvasnx - for all
Double damage
klumpesnx - for all
Double damage
zosenx - for all
Double damage
stumbrasnx - for all
Double damage
trauktinenx - for all
Double damage
parodanx - for all
Double damage
varveklisnx - for all
Double damage
tupikasnx - for all
Double damage
zumbanx - for all

Level #27 "Techninis lygis 12"
Task for all
Sveikiname uždarius lygį! Parašykie orgams žinutę 123456 arba atsiųskite šį screenshot'ą

Egle 8 623 93839. Egles telefonas miršta, rašykit Aleksandrui, jis maladiec
Aleksandras 8 621 31457

Penalty help #1 for all (0 seconds)
penalty time: 1 hour
ask for additional confirmation: Yes
Description: Jeigu gavote atsakymą "YOU DIED"

qwerty1 - for all
100501 - for all

Level #28 "Realus lygis - 13"
Autopass: in 40 minutes

Task for all

Liko komandų: 3/20
Ranged tag - ENBG13 apskritime. Ranged radiusas ~3 metrai nuo tag'o. Per sienas ranged negalioja, kodas tame pačiame kambaryje kaip ir tag'as

(for passing level it is nessesary to complete 8 sectors)
Sector 1
finito - for all
Sector 2
finishaz - for all
Sector 3
finale - for all
Sector 4
fatality - for all
fatacity - for all
Sector 5
finalissimo - for all
Sector 6
finisenzo - for all
finisenz - for all
finisenza - for all
Sector 7
finisterija - for all
Sector 8
finland - for all
Sector 9
finfin - for all
Sector 10
fortnite - for all
Sector 11
fritz - for all
Sector 12
fufaika - for all
Sector 13
fantazmagorija - for all
Sector 14
farm - for all
Sector 15
fatality7 - for all
fatalityt - for all

Level #29 "Finalinis techninis lygis"
Task for all

Blagadariu už žaidimą! Bėgam pas orgus atsiimti prizo!

blagadariublagadariu - for all