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BoyVidma (Vidmantas, id 233415)
Points: 445.1 / Senior lieutenant / Senior lieutenant
Residence permit: (Lithuania, Vilnius)
Status: captain of team Varzhterless
Date of birth: 26 December (Age: 41 years)
Registration date: 29 September 2010
Attestate: is issued 9 November 2010 by the administrator Tomka
First name: Vidmantas
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 26 December
Year of birth: 1982
Hair color: brown
Mobile phone: +37069808214
Driving license
B (driver license).
Category: Surface transport
Type: Car
Automobile maker: Skoda
Automobile model: Octavia II
Country: Lithuania
City: Vilnius
Games in Vilnius



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